Student Association of Food Technology Endorse Indonesian Woman

Student Association of Food Technology Endorse Indonesian Woman

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To commemorate the birth of Raden Ajeng Kartini, who was born on 21st of April 1879, Student Association of Food Technology held a Kartini’s day campaign. R. A. Kartini is one of the most reputable Indonesia’s heroines. She is viewed as a pioneer who fought and struggled for the emancipation of Indonesian women’s rights. 
The campaign was held between 14th upto 21st of April 2015. To join this campaign during those days, people could submit their photos and upload them to their instagram by tagging @SAFT_SGU and using #independentwomen hashtag. In the photo, they carried a paper which had been written with a message. Female participants must write a reason why they are independent women while the males must write a reason why they are amazed of independent women. 
“I am an independent woman because that is what my mom taught me to and I can decide things on my own!” said Jessica Monik, a senior year student of Food Technology.
Turned out, the campaign got a very positive feedback. This campaign was not only participated by SGU students but also students from other universities.  
Here are some photos of the Kartini’s day campaign. Some of the photos were also regramed and can be seen on SAFT’s instagram gallery @SAFT_SGU.